Recommended group reservation for Seomyeon 7080 at Busan Live Cafe

It’s been a long time since I went to Busan.When I went to a club meeting, I went to Seomyeon Live Cafe.Among the trips to Busan, Busan Live Cafe is actually the most enjoyable place to play, so I would like to leave a reviewThere aren’t many places to stay if you go as a group this time.There was a limit to the number of places where I could get group seats, so it was a little difficult to find a place where I could go after eating.If it was a live cafe in Busan that I found, I made a reservation and went there with everyone because 7080 live typhoons were available for group guests.There are various instruments such as keyboards, drums, guitars, and organs in the live typhoon of Seomyeon Live Cafe.I heard that you can play it yourself.I ordered 5 bottles of beer and 2 snacks while enjoying the live performance of Seomyeon 7080, and it was about 60,000 won.When we arrived at the Busan Live Cafe, we had a live performance of Busan 7080, but in fact, there is a separate performance time.When you don’t perform, you can play an instrument or use it as a monument.The sound facilities of Seomyeon Live Cafe were very good, and they played keyboards, guitars, drums, etc. depending on the song, so I had no choice but to have fun.There’s alcohol in it, tooThe president of a live cafe in Busan has been in music for 35 years, so not only the piano but also other instruments were freely handled.Thanks to you, I was able to enjoy Busan 7080 after a long time.Live cafes in Busan also offer songs and pop songs, but even Chinese and Japanese songs are available.So I was able to listen to a Chinese song by one of the members of the club who lived in China.The live typhoon cafe was one of the reasons why I remember it.You said you could play the instrument, too.It wasn’t all musical instruments, but I was able to play it directly like piano, organ, electric guitar, and acoustic guitar, so I think it doesn’t matter if you think you can do everything like this.It is a special place to enjoy live performances, have conversations with the president, and enjoy this year’s club activities.For those who came as a group like us, There were a few teams.”There was a room, so I thought it would be good for couples or small groups to come and enjoy the 7080 live performance, so I decided to recommend it like this, so I wrote my impressions.”I heard that they are also looking for female staff, but if the area is good enough, it was such a fun place that I would like to work.” (laughs) I highly recommend this place to those who are looking for a place on the west side where you can enjoy listening to old live shows as a group!감지된 언어가 없습니다.

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