It is an important part in charge of the functions we see, and it consists of various structures. There are eyelid, cornea, conjunctiva, cataracts, glaucoma, retinal problems, strabismus, amblyopia, presbyopia, tumor and orbital fracture. These 11 are categorized into common types and treated in the icon “General Clinic”. For those who complain of eye disease, we provide guidance on the type of eye disease and support on how to respond through treatment.
Please remember your child’s vision development and precautions, strabismus and amblyopia at the age of 3.

For small children, it is important to verify whether or not the weak view of the slope.The vision is growing about 10 years old and fixed to this period, and if the eyes are found in this period, it is difficult to be difficult to correct.The oblique view (Strabis) obliquely, the condition of the eye muscles, which both eyes are not properly aligned and other points.The other eyes occur only one eye, and the other eyes are not used to use it properly.It is important to understand that the correction is difficult to understand the vision measurement and eyes.The weak visual (Amb) indicates the condition of the vision of the eye is not developed, and the vision is not developed.If the eyes are more bad eyesight than other eyes, it may not occur, and the correct vision development is not properly.Therefore, you need to confirm the vision measurement and eyes, and the eyes of the eyes of the third functionality.
major diseases of the eyelids, sty, and eyelid inflammation

The eyelids are mainly sty and eyelid inflammation. Trouble occurs on the eyelids that cover your eyes, so you can easily check it from the outside and notice it immediately when you feel inconvenient. There are various secretory glands in the eyelids, and the progression may vary depending on which gland abnormality occurs. In order to cope with these lesion conditions, we are trying to relieve them quickly by using Icon D injections.
the cornea and conjunctiva that are representative of eye disease

Among the representative diseases of the eye, cornea and conjunctiva are divided into four main categories: corneal inflammation, pterygium/censorship team, conjunctivitis, and epidemic keratoconjunctivitis. Therefore, tests are needed for accurate diagnosis, and appropriate treatment is provided based on this. For example, corneal inflammation is mainly caused by Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and simple rash viruses, while conjunctivitis affects bacteria, viruses, fungi, pollen, and chemical stimuli.There is a high risk!type of eye disease associated with the retinaThe retina is also responsible for the retina.This includes diabetes, macular degeneration, macular degeneration, and retinal release.Three of the three of the mosquito disease, exceptions, three of vision loss, and it is very careful.The flight mosquito disease is also expected to appear as a sign of other than three other.A retina release retina release is a disease state of the retina is falling from the inner wall.When the retina is floating up, the retina, the function of the retina, the function of the visual cell is reduced and the eye is reduced and the eye is reduced and the eye.If this serious situation continues, you may lead to blind, you may lead to blind.The microvascular disease is a disease that starts damaged by diabetes.One type diabetes must be supported by the ophthalmologist within five years after diagnosis.Both types of ophthalmology tests and check the conditions should be prevented from being damaged by checking the state of the microvascular condition.Macular degeneration is not developed by 90 percent of function, and it is still necessary to sustainable management.glaucoma at risk of vision losscausative symptom genetic factor eye disease drug misuse hypertensive vision loss bodily pain Abnormal acute chronic intraocular pressure in the eye rapidly increases and vision loss Nerves are gradually destroyed during congestion, headache, and vomiting, making it difficult to feel clear symptomsIt is diagnosed with optic nerve fiber layer tomography, optic nerve examination, automatic visual field examination, and non-contact intraocular pressure test, and is treated with laser or surgery if the drug treatment progresses and response is not good. In case of emergency, the intraocular pressure is reduced in a short period of time by using an injection.Cataracts are also a serious eye disease that can be caused by a variety of causes. 1. congenital causes: maternal medication and infection (rubella) genetic factors congenital metabolic disorders chromosomal abnormalities (down syndrome, etc.) 2. Acquired causes: degenerative (generally occurring after age 50) traumatic diabetes, atopic dermatitis drug side effects (steroids, antidepressants, etc.)1. It looks foggy and double-overlapping objects 2. Eyes are often bright and light spreads 3. Vision deteriorates in bright places and improves in dark places 4. Frequent changes in eyeglasses 5. If an object appears to be red or yellow, diagnose it through a fine-pole lamp test and an optic axis length ultrasound test. In the beginning, the progression is suppressed with drugs, but later, artificial lenses are inserted and treated through surgery.TREATMENT DIRECTION OF ICON FOR TYPE OF EYE DISEASEMost eye diseases can be effectively solved by drugs and injections. Since surgery is very rare, we focus on medication for common eye diseases. In special cases where surgery is needed, we connect to specialized medical staff in the field to help them get accurate diagnosis and treatment. Based on the objective and delicate diagnosis of Park Joo-wan, a former professor at ophthalmology University who has more than 15 years of experience, we provide treatment for patients. 50m Naver Corp. See More / OpenStreetMap Data x NAVER Corp. / OpenStreetMap Controller Legendary Real Estate Street Towns, Myeon, Dongs, cities, counties, wards, cities and provincesIcon Ophthalmology Clinic 15th floor of 492 HM Tower, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulIcon Ophthalmology Clinic 15th floor of 492 HM Tower, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, SeoulPrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next ImagePrevious Image Next Image